I would think that should be a subelement of, but it is completely impossible to find a sample hand history anywhere, and PT consumes the files, so I don't have any old files to check (and maybe correct) the files against. Hi RecPoker Nation if you want to take part in Jim's monthly group coaching session on Saturdays at rec.poker/events you don't need PokerTracker to download your own. I checked the files and there is an error in the XML format the files have two root elements: and So it seems Carbon was fiddling with things.
There was an update to Carbon today, and the hand history files from yesterday imported fine.
FlagHippo Moderator Posts: 14036 Joined: Tue 7:50 am.
should be able to access the Logs folder with the log file by clicking File -> Open User Data Folder in the main PokerTracker 4 window. I think they changed the hand history for Carbon, because the hand histories are there, but they won't import into PT 4.10.9 (my antivirus thinks the latest update has a Trojan on it). Everytime I clic 'Get hands while playing' the tracker starts to auto-import the hands, it takes about 5-10 min to properly work. In this video Jim Reid goes over how to export and import an entire PokerTracker database to review with a friend or coach.